Siirry sisältöön

Sofa has room for everyone

Our experienced psychologists and therapists will support you at different stages of your life. We provide counselling in your everyday life, such as stress, relationship, work related topics or if you are seeking a new direction. We also provide support and interventions for a variety of mental health conditions and difficulties including depression, anxiety low self-esteem, neuro spectrum conditions (ADHD, autism), variety of traumas (attachment relationship) and other conditions.

We always try to understand your individual situation and are looking for tailor-made approaches to support you. Our philosophy is to be human, empathic and approachable. Our new premises at Merikortteli will provide you with a peaceful environment for discussions.

We would like to warmly welcome you to the Sofa and start your journey to a better mental health.

You can book a free introductory visit or call from the below link, or us +358 40 773 9212. Let’s have a discussion and see how we can support your mental health.

We also have a special focus on wellbeing at work, aging and highly sensitive persons.

The increasing demands of hectic work life, consideration of high sensitivity, and an aging population are topics that require much more focus, as well as specialized and individualized therapy services. Our aim is to support individuals and organizations to find the ways to have their full potential and capacity in use and flourish at work.

Wellbeing at work

Our psychologists and therapists have deep understanding of both psychology and organizational dynamics. Therefore, we are especially well positioned to consult and support individuals and organizations in topics related to wellbeing at work, such as how to improve wellbeing and motivation at work and reduce work related stress and burnout. We can facilitate you with finding new ways to work and how to find your strengths and opportunities.


We believe that life experience can bring so many positive things to you and everyone around. We would like to support you if you have any considerations on aging related topics and how to find positive and meaningful approaches to your everyday life. We can also support you in challenging situations whether they relate to health, relationships or any other topics you have on your mind.

Highly sensitive persons

It has been estimated that 15-20% of us are highly sensitive persons. A highly sensitive person has an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional or social stimuli and processes information and emotions more deeply.

Highly sensitive persons may more easily experience stress and overexcitement in different work and life situations. Therefore, it might be necessary to focus on those things that are meaningful and reduce too many stressful and overlapping activities. At best, highly sensitive person can flourish in all aspects of her/his life. We would like to support you in this journey to find out the ways for more balanced and meaningful life.

Book a free introductory visit or call from the below link, or call us +358 40 773 9212.

Our professionals

Antti Eerola

Antti Eerola

Psykologi I Psykologin vastaanotto voimavaralähtöisesti kaikkiin elämäntilanteisiin kuten työssä jaksamiseen, arjen hallintaan ja mielenterveyden haasteisiin.

Aino Paajanen

Aino Paajanen

Psykologi I Psykologin etävastaanotto, neurokirjon piirteet (ADHD, autismi), mielen ja voimavarojen tukeminen

Heli Heiskanen

Heli Heiskanen

Psykologi I Psykologin etävastaanotto aikuisille ja nuorille erityisherkkyyteen, (työ)hyvinvointiin, vaativimpiinkin elämän haasteisiin ja kriiseihin. Tilauskoulutus ja työnohjaus.

Mariann Nagatsu

Mariann Nagatsu

Ratkaisukeskeinen coach ja valmentaja, johtamisen kehittäjä

Emmi Vainionpää

Emmi Vainionpää

Ratkaisukeskeinen lyhytterapeutti I Terapeutin vastaanotto elämän muutos- ja kriisitilanteisiin. Johdon coaching ja valmennus.